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When the Lord begins a work, He knows how to set you up in a way to show Himself mighty and strong! So let me share with you what has happened. Upon speaking to a few different pastors from Kenya, God begins opening doors to allow me the opportunity to speak through video conferencing. As I began to teach some pastors that connected with Pastor Samwell and Pastor George of Kisumu, Kenya. God began to move and change these pastors in a powerful way.

In one of the meetings, I focused on teaching these pastors about something that God had laid on my heart. In the middle of the lesson, there was some stirring among the pastors that were present. Not realizing what was happening, I kept on teaching. After we came to the close of our meeting, they begin to share with me what had happened.

A woman, known by every one of the pastors attending, knew she was a woman that what held captive by a demon within her. They stated that she came into the meeting from the market place there in Kisumu and was yelling and cursing. After she walked into the building and heard the Word of God taught she fell to her knees and begin weeping. One of the pastors asked her what was wrong. She told him, “Nothing is wrong anymore. I am healed!” She stated that when she heard the word of God preached, immediately she was delivered from demons that have held her bound for many years. 

Here is her testimony as she shared with us.

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