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Using the Spoken Word

Many years ago, after having received the Holy Spirit in my life. As a teenager, I had lots of energy. One of the ministers in our church asked me to join a group for outreach one Sunday afternoon. Never having done this before, I quickly picked up on how there were doing it. They were really just knocking on the door of a home and inviting them to church, while giving the person at the door a flyer about the church.

In this group, we broke off into fours. Before breaking down into 2’s. So the 4 in our group were 2 ministers. And 2 teenager boys. Myself included. The ministers I guess wanted to walk door to door together so they could talk. And the other teenager boy was with me. A new convert. Just knocking on doors for the first time.

We were walking up to this one house. We could see in the backyard a chow dog that was chained up. He was getting very mad that we came walking into his yard. He wanted so much to protect it, that he jerked on the chain really hard a few times, but then we heard it snap. The chain broke setting the dog free. After which, this dog ran and jumped the fence and ran toward me and this other young man that was with me.

This young man, who was younger than I was, jumped behind me and with fear in his voice, he said, “Daniel, do something!!” I turned to the dog, never having done this before. But it was like I had a powerful boldness that came over me and I said, “I rebuke you in Jesus name, we are doing the work of the Lord.” That dog slid on the ground and begin whimpering. That dog at that time, never made another move.

The owner came out after we knocked on the door and asked, “What did you do to my dog?”

Matthew 17:20  And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

It is time for you to SPEAK to your mountain! Speak and change your valleys! Let the flowers blossom in the mist of your test.

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