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Reaching Others

OK… OK… OK.. Everyone is asking so many question.. and wanting to put things out there on the table. So here it is.. Back in 1999, our church had a great idea. They wanted to see who could get the most people to come to church. My first thought, went back to when I was a child going to church in Athens, Georgia. I do not recall how old I was, but I was a kid. I do not remember HOW or WHY that I was apart of it, but I remember this.. something happened there that impacted me. So much that I remember many things of that time.

I remember being a kid getting on the church bus. And that bus took us to get an ice cream. And there was so much fun on that bus. All of us kids had a great time. And these children workers did this every Sunday as long as you rode the church bus.

So when our church announced this challenge, I set out my plan to be the winner of that challenge! I started to put my plan into action. I found a lady that would sew this outfit for me. And she did a great job. And from there, I started my outreach. Going into homes, talking to kids, and everyone of them that I came into contact with, I put a desire in them to want to come to our church. So the church had a mini van which by the way, no one was driving it. And on that next Sunday, I had 2 van loads of kids coming to Sunday School.

The next week, I had 3 van loads of kids coming to Sunday School. Let’s just say, that no one was able to beat me in this challenge as I was already ahead of everyone. But in the process, I learned something else. That was FUN! Exciting!

I learned HOW to make people laugh by being silly. And funny. And crazy. And I did this by dressing up as a clown. Making balloon animals and performing magic tricks. Everyone loved it and so did I.

First Birthday Party in 1999
2001 Was advertising for a new business.
2003 A Business Picnic
Published inUncategorized

One Comment

  1. Donna Cancienne Donna Cancienne

    Loved reading this. My testimony includes the fact that I am also a snot faced bus kid. I will soon be fifty. I began going to Sunday School at age three! God is so good. Thank you for what you are doing.

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