Being the youth pastor of a local church where I was attending, we were having a great move of the Holy Ghost. People were coming to the church and being blessed. Some being healed and others receiving the Holy Ghost. It was a great time in the Lord. As I remember many great services that we had there.
On one occasion, the pastor got up and was preaching a message about not having any idols in our lives. During this message he took off his neck tie, turned to his wife and said, “God just showed me that a neck tie is an idol, Do not ever let me put another one one again.” He threw the tie onto the floor and stomped on it. Some of the men of the church took their neck ties off and threw them onto the floor.
What was done in this service bothered me some, as I have seen many crazy things through the years as people would get personal convictions and place them on the people of God instead of understanding it was suppose to be a personal conviction. Not to be placed as a burden on the people of God and place them into bondage.
The problem with what was preached is this. The very next service, this same pastor had a neck tie on. I personally walked up to him and asked with a humble spirit. “You preached last week that a neck tie is wrong, but you have one on today. Can I ask why?” He spoke back to me with a stern voice, “I don’t have to report why I do something to you.” So I turned around and walked away. His message that evening was this. “I don’t need a preacher picker in my church. If you are going to pick at my messages, then I do not need you in my church.” So I got the message loud and clear, that was my last service there. I walked away wondering what have I done?
So the question is . . .
How can a pastor be used of God and be wrong?
How can a person be anointed and people get the Holy Ghost and yet that person is in sin?
How can a person in leadership preach and commit sexual sins?
How can they even think that they are ok?
After having dealt with issues like this many times, not just me, but other people seeking help dealing with issues they have experienced. Helping them to heal through these things. God spoke into my life and helped me heal. Remember sin is sin. God does not like sin.
“But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.” Isaiah 59:2
If sin separates us from God, then how is it that they are still in a place of leadership and God still uses them? First you have to understand. God gives us mercy. And through that mercy, he allows us to sin and gives us a space to repent before exposing our sins. God is a gentleman and he does not want to expose your sins. But there does come a time when he has too.
“For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” Romans 11:29
The next reason is that God gives to each of us gifts and callings. Notice the scripture above that states, these are without repentance. God gives a gift and a calling. And he does NOT take it away from you once he gives it to you. But we do know when he returns, as the parable of the talents, he takes them away from those that does not use them and gives them to those that will use them. N0 other time given in scripture that these gifts and callings are taken away.
So a person can be used in the prophecies, preaching, gift of tongues, gift of discernment, gift of faith, gift of healing, and many many other gifts that come from God. They can be used to win souls, pray people through to the Holy Ghost, and see miracles, signs and wonders. But this does NOT mean their relationship with God is good. They can preach a powerful message and shake many people to come into the altar and leave that pulpit and go into the back room of the church and sin.
So what I am saying is this. . . .
We will see many in leadership fall because of a lack of relationship with God. Through the years, I have seen many that I thought were powerful men and women of God fall into sin and they were exposed. But this does not approve their sins in the eyes of God. They will still be accountable unto God for what they are doing. Many times, because of their sins, the devil has made them think that their sins are approved by God and God is ok with it. Their sins will always hurt others that is around them.
How do I know this to be true? I am now going to expose myself. There was a time (in my twenties) when I also fell from grace. I sinned against God. Still going to church and still in ministry. And there were things that I done that was not right before God. Statements that I made hurt some people that I knew. My life seemed to fall apart. I found myself ministering to a person that was having some problems. It was what they needed. BUT again, I was NOT at a place where I was right with God.
I am sharing this with you so that you have an understanding. If you find yourself or someone that have fallen, remember we are suppose to pray for them and try to help them get back to God.
“My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:” 1 John 2:1
“For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” Ecclesiastes 4:10
“Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” Galatians 6:1
If you have been hurt by someone, can you pray for them to be restored?
Can you pled the blood over someones soul that hurt you?
Can you help someone get back up that offended you?
What if you need help getting back up after you sinned?
Who will help you get back with God when you fall?
I don’t know about you but . . . .
I can’t stay down!!
I will not turn back!!!
I MUST fight this fight!!!
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