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Spirit of Footwashing

Recently I was digging through some of my things, trying to declutter my house. Selling things that I don’t need to raise more funds for my missions trip to Kenya. As I was going through many things, I found this cassette tape. Yes, I still have some of them. This tape was of a message that Sister Nona Freeman spoke on the subject “The Spirit of Footwashing”.

In this message she expresses how that she was in prayer during a service and God showed her what He wanted to do in that service. Revival was in the air. God wanted to move in a very powerful way. He wanted to heal those that were sick and diseased. He wanted to fill those with the Holy Ghost that did not have Him. He wanted to rain down the fires of revival.

The problem though was that God could not. He could not because His hands were tied. The hearts of the people would not allow him to follow through with His will. Some were offended, some were hurt, some would not forgive, and the list went on. God begin to show her that there needed to be “The Spirit of Footwashing” in that service.

No, we are not talking about the physical part of washing someone’s feet. Anybody can really do that without having that in their heart. But we are talking about having a heart of serving our brothers and sisters. Going to them with a humble heart. Loving them even though they have been hurt. Turning the other cheek. Forgiving those that abused. Sitting down and having a heart to love people. Having peace with all men.

With this type of spirit in the heart of every man, woman, and child, God can then move in a way that he so desires. Healing those that were bruised. Those that have been hurt, those that have been walked on, spiritually, mentally, and physically. So that marriages can be mended, so that friendships can be restored, so that lives can be changed.

Upon hearing this message again, my heart was touched and I could not help myself. I begin to weep and repent. Wanting to make sure my heart was pure. Making sure that I have forgiven those that trespassed against me. Making sure that God can have revival in my heart and in my life.

We are the Body of Christ!

Love one another!

Forgive those that have offended you!

Seek God for revival in YOUR heart!

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