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Strategic Revival

These session are for the purpose of training others with the principles of the Bible. Showing them how to have revival. God is the only one that can give revival. It is our job to search “Matters of our heart” to make sure that we are ready for what God is wanting to give us. 

Session 1 Video and Notes 

In this video, you will learn about the devices of the enemy that is running ramped in this world and in out churches today. You will learn God’s ways concernng this. 

Session 2 Video and Notes

In this video, you will learn the key to revival. It will amaze you to learn something so simple yet so powerful. 

Session 3 Video and Notes

In this video session, you will learn that revival starts with a 2 letter word. It is simple Biblical principles yet because it is so simple, it is over looked. 

Below are some extra videos and notes that I think would help you to grow.