My heart desired to get closer to God. So I begin to pray and ask God, “I want to be used greater by you! Why am I not being used more? I want a greater anointing!” God spoke back to me and said, “I can not use you.” I asked God, “Why?” Then God told me this. “I can’t use you or anoint you greater because you will not submit to your pastor.” I thought that I was submitted. I expressed this to God in prayer with tears. Then God reminded me of this. . .
In this post, I want to extend a little details that is not in my book concerning my dad and what happened there. Just a brief touch on it.
My dad fell and broke his back while working on a church. That pastor came to the hospital and told both my parents “Don’t you worry, the church will take care of your family.” That pastor brought to our house one truck load of groceries. Then we never saw him or anyone else from that church.
My mother had to go to work, not ever having to work before as my dad was the main bread winner in our family. My mother, not having finished school and had no skills could not get a job for more than minimum wage. So to help our family out, I had to go to work on weekends and all through the summer. Working with some friends of my dad in construction. And every dollar that I made went to my family to help pay for the bills.
A fifteen year old boy having to work in order for his family to survive. It was JUST unfair. I was so hurt by this. Every single cent that I got, I had to give it to my parents or we would not have had many things that we had during that time in our life.
So after God reminded me of this. He then spoke to me and told me, “The wall that you built in your life against that pastor has stopped you from fully submitting to any other pastor in your life. You have a reserve and you just will not allow that pastor to be a leader in your life.” After receiving this word from God, I fell to my knees and cried with a repented heart. I looked up this pastors name and number. But I was too late, that pastor had passed away.
I got back on my knees and cried out to God for Him to forgive me and take this out of my heart. Then I went to my pastor and fell to the ground weeping and crying and I prayed for him by touching his feet. And I promised God that I would submit my life to my pastor. And after getting up, I told my pastor those same words.
Since that day when I done that, there has been a greater anointing that has came upon me. I have ministered in many churches since and I have felt a greater anointing and even seen a greater results. People getting healed. Others received the Holy Ghost. And many other things happen through my ministry.
So what am I trying to say in this post?
The wounds that you have in your life. If you allow them to led your life. They can stop the flow of the Holy Ghost. They can hinder the moving of the Spirit of God. Because my wounds led me, it stopped the flow of God in my life. But once I begin to be led BY the SPIRIT of God. My life changed and has never been the same again.
What is leading you?
Is your hurts and your pains causing a wall in your life?
Can you tear down the walls that is stopping you?
What is hindering you?
Can you grow into a greater relationship with God right where you are at?
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