Have you ever looked at a person and said, “No, I would NOT have or build a relationship with that person because of their attitude. They are a rude person. How could I even take a look at that person, knowing what they have done? That is out of the question.
In other words, these are BIG Foxes. Some of us might call them RED FLAGS. Something that we are NOT willing to allow in our life. Or in our children’s life. That is JUST a NO! We would not accept it, we will not allow it. We will not entertain the idea of it.
My thought today comes from the scripture that states. . .
Song of Solomon 2:15 Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
Many times we allow the little foxes into our life. These little foxes, seem to be cute. Funny. Entertaining. Something like, “This guy I am talking to jokes all the time about my weight.” Or “This gal I am talking to says she does not like a bald head.” Yet my hair is falling out.
To some, these little comments might not mean anything. But to others, it could mean the world. So my question to you is this. Can you allow these small foxes, that you do not like, would you be willing to allow them to grow into BIG foxes? Large Foxes that causes a major shaking in your relationship?
What am I saying? I am saying that little foxes, grows up to be BIG foxes. So what you allow in your life and relationships now, can grow into a LARGE issue later down the road. Will you settle for just anything? Or will you get into prayer and seek God, knowing that God has everything under control. Having spent time in prayer sharing with God what it is that I am looking for in a relationship. And taking note of things that I do not like in a person. When there are little foxes, they can spoil a marriage. A life. Destroy a child. It is VERY important that you walk it God and allow Him to speak into your life so that you can avoid the BIG foxes.
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