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Having Closure

Bringing thoughts up from the past, I remember when I was in Boy Scouts. I heard how that some kids thought that it was silly to be apart of a group of boys where you learned how to tie knots, learn how to say the Scout Oath and such. But looking back, I can say that Boy Scouts taught me leadership skills. As there was a time when being in the Order of the Arrow, I was Chapter Chief in charge of over 500 boys scouts at an camporee event.

On an occasion, my dad and I started a brand new troop in Montecello Georgia. Upon receiving the new recruits, we found out that our next camporee competition was 1 month away. I explained to the group that we had of how our new troop could walk away with some first place ribbons if they were willing to put in the extra time to learn how to compete. They all agreed that they wanted to walk away with these awards.

In that camporee competition weekend, all of the hard work paid off. Our new troop walked away with first and second place ribbons from the whole event. There were only 1 event that we did not prepare for because we did not have time to practice. So we did not compete in that. We were talked about all over that Boy Scout Council. Our troop walked in all new and walked out with more awards than any troop that had attended. And most of those troops had been there for many years. Having had plenty of time to teach their boys how to win.

I shared all of this to say that after I received my Eagle Scout award, which is the highest award you can get in Boy Scouts, I walked away from them and never walked back. I did not walk away because they were bad, but I walked away because that door had closed for me. Yes, I could have pushed and worked with many others to help guide them and give them direction, but sometimes God wants you to walk away from some doors, because that will allow him to open others for you.

“I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” Rev 3:8

“For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.” 1 Corth 16:9

What doors have you closed?

What doors has God opened for you?

Are you walking out of the door of your past?

Are you walking into that door God has opened for you?

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