Have you ever walked into a conference, a business meeting or anywhere that many people were gathered? For whatever reason, you were introduced to this one person. Having small talk in the conversation, trying to be cordial and not bring attention to your self. Yet you look into the eyes of the person you are talking with. It was then that your eyes met. Not just in a quick glance, but in a way that touched you way down deep in your heart. At first, you didn’t understand what happened. You thought about it but was unsure of what it was because you have never experienced that before. It was an overwhelming love that over took you in that moment.
Sometimes we may not respond in that moment because of our lack of knowing what to do about what we felt. Then there are times, when it seems like 20 years have passed and many things have been done since then. BUT you seem to come back around to a point in time where you cross paths with that person again. The same feeling that you had before seems to surface again. And even now, you really are not sure what to do with what you feel.
What should I do?
Should I really do anything?
Those questions come to mind as I pondered on how to write this. I remember walking into the hospital room and seeing my children for the first time. Looking at their little feet and hands. Wondering who am I to be the father of such an amazing little one. How should I act? What should I do? How do I proceed with them apart of my life now.
This causes me to think about OUR Heavenly Father. How that He put into us some of the same traits that we feel and love. As he created us in His image and His likeness. I thought about how He looks down on us as we walk this walk of life, and how that He loves us so much that He died for us. What is in His heart right now as He looks at you? What does He want with us? How can He love us so much? Even after all of the things that we have done in our past. How can I ever be loved by Him?
Yet He loves us!
Before we knew Him, HE loved us!
When He saw you, before the foundations of the world were formed, HE loved YOU!
He created the roses for you to admire and smell. He created the rainbows and all of those beautiful colors for you to take pictures of. He has loved you so much through all of the pain and suffering that you have had and He created someone just for you! To love you the way that HE loves you!
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