Jesus was asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” He no doubt spoke really plan and said, “Love the Lord your God with all your soul, mind, and strength.” He then does not stop there.. He says, “The second is like unto the first, LOVE thy neighbor as yourself.” Most of the time, we have tried to skip the first commandment and jump to the second one. WE want to love someone and have them to love us back. But the problem is that because we do not MEET “LOVE”, then we can not properly and truly love ourself. And because we look in the mirror and hate on ourselves, talking about our appearances, our flaws, and even bring up our past failures.. my question is this.. HOW can we truly love someone else, if we can not love ourselves? And the ONLY way to love ourself is to meet “LOVE”. For God is LOVE! This does not even stop at having a relationship with a potential spouse. But this includes people that are not apart of our fellowship. Those that are in sin. Those that have backslid. Those that have walked away from truth. For you see, HOW can we truly love a person, if we treat God’s people, WHO he loves, with disrespect? Saying.. “You are not dressed like us, or apart of us, so we refuse to show you our love.” If you can not love your neighbor, then how can you truly love a spouse?
Love Thy Neighbor
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