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Making Payments

Through the years I have had many people reach out to me and ask me to pray for a need that they have. One person that comes to mind, anytime I would recommend them to pray about something, they would say, “Will you pray for it?” I never understood why they would ask that until one day that person came out and said, “The reason why I ask you to say the prayer, is because I know God hears you and your prayers just always work. My prayers seems not to go anywhere.”

Hearing this a few times through the years, I begin to examine myself and why that might be the case. No I am not trying to say that I have it all together, because believe you me, I do not.

One thing that I have learned is that when in prayer, there are 2 types of prayers. One is the instant answered prayer. You pray one time and you receive it. It is like your light bill. You pay it and it is paid for. Second thing that I have learned is that sometimes if the first prayer does not work. If you never get an answer, then you don’t stop praying. These types of prayers are like a car payment. You have to keep making payments until the answer comes. And when it comes, it is always right on time.

Another thing that I have learned about prayer is that when you begin to pray, Don’t beg God. For he said to “Come boldly to the throne of Grace, that you may obtain grace in the time of need.” Heb 4:16

Then pray exactly what it is that you want. In other words, speak details. “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.” James 4:3 Think about that scripture for a moment. The word amiss in the greek means improperly or wrongly. So in other words, when you pray, there MUST be a proper way to pray.

“What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24

The problem that many have is that they do not believe that the can receive what they pray for. And they do not believe that they will get them. They think that they have done so much wrong and God would not even give them the time nor the day of when their prayers would be answered or not.

What are you praying for?

How are you praying?

Speak the Word Only!

Let God know the desires of YOUR heart!

Published inUncategorized

One Comment

  1. Rich Rich

    That is powerful Brother Davis. This is just another weapon of our warfare. Prayer with a truthful heart in the word of God is answered every time whether immediately or after A time of persistence.
    Great word

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