I remember going to Grandma’s house when I was younger. On this one occasion, I remember the next door neighbors having a little chiwawa dog. If you know anything about those dogs, they can be really mean. At this time, it was I that was mean to it. As I took some rocks and was throwing them at the little dog. That little dog started barking at me. Growling and showing those little teeth. I thought to myself, that is a little dog. What can he really do to me?
Well after a few more rocks being thrown, that dog had enough. He started running towards me and then fear gripped my heart. I took off running towards my Grandma’s back door. Where I knew that there was safety. Being a little guy, (I can’t remember how old I was) but this little dog caught up with me. He torn into my little legs and begin bitting me. I screamed for my Grandma.
My Grandma came running out of the house with a broom in her hand and started swatting at that little dog. She hit that dog once and that was all it took, that little dog took a trail back to its house running as fast as it could. I had marks on my legs where the dog bit me. But other than my pride being hurt, I was ok.
As I was thinking about what to write today, I thought about this little dog. And I thought about the fear that gripped my heart after that event in my life. Did I do that again? NO I did not! I had found a respect for that little dog. Today though, I am not here to focus on that dog or my stupidity as a child. I am here to share with you that I was afraid.
Even though I was afraid of that dog, after that day I never really had a problem with a dog again. I learned to respect those guys and also I learned how that I should respond to them. My thoughts today is this, YES we are living in a day when many people are afraid for their life. Yes, we have people that are freaking out. I just watched a video where this lady saw some young people come into Walmart without mask and she went off. Yelling and screaming at them and then accused them of being perverts and yelling at others in Walmart all because they are not wearing a mask.
I am not justifying the actions of either of these people but I am trying to focus on an issue that we have right now. The issue is fear. We have people buying guns and stocking up on food and toilet paper. I am hearing from pastors in Africa that state, “People are not coming to church because they are afraid to get the virus and die.” People here in the USA are also afraid to attend churches. I heard from a local friend who is driving for DoorDash (which is a food delivery service) and he stated, “There are people that will not leave their house because they are too afraid.
I want to encourage you brothers and sisters that God’s word is plain.
“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matt 10:28
Even though many people will read this scripture and say, “I am saved, but yet I still have fear! What should I do?” There is an answer!
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18
OK, I understand that perfect love cast out fear. But how can I get this perfect love in my life? It is easy and simple.
“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.” 1 John 4:7-8
So in other words. . . The closer that you get to God, when you can MEET GOD.. you meet LOVE.. and when you meet love.. you can not help but love.
That is why so many people that come to God, being filled with HIS Spirit, begins to LOVE everyone. Wanting to HUG everyone. Because they MET LOVE!
Have you prayed today?
Have you read the Bible today?
Have you heard the voice of God today?
Have you met love?
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