This journey of life that we ride everyday is one that takes us places and allows us to meet and know many people through our life. Growing up in Portadale Georgia, I had the privilege to seeing and hearing some great men of God. I remember Bro Don Johnson, who was the general superintendent of the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ. He came to our church many times and sang and ministered the word of the Lord. I remember my dad and him would spend time together. Even though my dad had a relationship with him, I did not. Yes, I knew his name, knew who he was, been in his church, went out to eat with him. The relationship he has with my dad was greater than the relationship with me.
Another great man of God was Bro Billy Cole. That man has been known all over the world. I know his name, I know his ministry, I have heard him personally preach the word, his word effected my life, his ministry changed my relationship with God, but I do not ever think he even heard my name or know who I am.
Reading in the scriptures I was reminded of in John chapter 11, where it was brought to our attention about the relationship that Jesus had with Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Martha was the woman in Luke 10 that opened her house to Jesus. This was the same Martha that was busy being a host to her guest that she asked Jesus to make Mary get up from setting at Jesus feet and help her. This is the same Martha that ran to Jesus in John 11 and said, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.”
Now take a look at this Mary, she was the same woman that sat at the feet of Jesus in Luke 10:39. The same Mary that came to Jesus and broke the alabaster box of the expensive perfume on Jesus head. The same woman that was washing Jesus feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. And the same woman that came to Jesus in John 11 and said, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.”
Notice how that both of these women had a relationship with Jesus. They both were sisters to Lazarus. But what touched my heart was the different response that both of these women got after they expressed the same statement, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.”
Martha said that statement and then added the word “BUT” and started a discussion with Jesus. Showing us how that even though she had a relationship with Jesus, she doubted that he would do anything right now. She knew that in the end, Lazarus would rise again but she was just expecting him to remain in the grave. When Jesus told them to roll the stone away, she even brought up the fact that Lazarus might be stinking.
When Mary made the statement, there was a different response from Jesus. The scriptures states, “When Jesus therefore saw her weeping…” The response of Jesus was found in John 11:35. “Jesus wept.” And he spoke, “Where have ye laid him?” And Jesus went and rose Lazarus from the grave.
So the relationship between Martha and Mary with Jesus was different to the point that they got a different response from Jesus. I don’t know about you, but I want a relationship with Jesus just like what Mary had. One that when I am in need, Jesus responds with action on my behalf. I don’t want to have a relationship like Martha, that only talk about what he can and could do and could do later.
How is your relationship with Jesus?
How personal are you with God?
Would Jesus wept when seeing you weep?
How close are you with Him?
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