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Ride of Life

Today, I really enjoyed some time with my son, Ryan. We went to Lake Hefner which is in the middle of Oklahoma City. We met there around 10:15 and started the journey. Around the lake is a trail that you can ride your bikes. To complete the trail, you will have gone 9.6 miles. Along the way, yes, I had to stop and take a breather. Stretch my legs and muscles. What I enjoyed the most, more than anything was the company of my son.

Along this journey called life there are many ups and downs. Like the ride we did today, there were some down slopes which were easy to ride down. And then there were some hills to climb. After climbing a few hills, you might have to do what I done. Pull over to the side of the trail and stop to take a breather. Man that last hill got to me. What I done though, was PUSH on! When the ride of life gets hard. Keep riding. Keep looking up to the one that has everything in the palm of His hands.

I remember my son when he was younger. Was struggling through some hard times in his life. In school he was making all F’s. Did not care about anything. Even at one point wrote a suicide note in school. After I got custody, I got him some help, working through those issues, he was able to get get through them. Now he has graduated high school with all A’s. He went to college and graduated with an associates and bachelors degrees. Now he is married to a wonderful young lady and he told me today that they are looking for property to buy. After the end of the year, they are even thinking of trying to have a baby.

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

In the New International Version, this scripture reads, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

What I am saying is this . . .

We all struggle at times. Do not beat yourself up just because you are going through something right now. God is on your side as long as you are seeking Him. So lean on Him. Cast your anxiety (cares) on Him. Allow HIM to help you through this trial. He will see you through.

Why? because there is HOPE!

Song says – Sometimes we go through struggles, that are so hard to bear, we lift our face toward heaven and say God are you really there? I have asked that same question and I have been down that road, but looking back, I now can tell you.. HE has always let me know… there is HOPE, so hold on.. there is HOPE.. God has sent me here to tell you.. there is HOPE.. and he know just what you are going through and what the future holds… as long as Jesus lives… there is HOPE!!!

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