Having gotten out of high school and went to college, seems to be the main thing most people do. Some looking for great jobs so that they can support their families. For me, I wanted to own my own business. At the age of 23, I was able to open up a clothing store. This was a new and used clothing store that was sort of like a “Dig Store”. We would purchase new clothes, gently used clothes, and then purchase bails of clothes from the Goodwill.
The bail of clothes from Goodwill, we really did not know what we would get through those clothes. We had a bail room. In this room, we would open one of the bails of clothes on the first Saturday of the month. Upon doing so, we had a huge amount of people that would rush in and pick through those clothes. And we sold bags of clothes for $10 each. During this time, I would visit many yard sales. If I found that the yard sale had nice things, I would make an offer on everything there. And most of the time, I walked away with the whole yard.
Since then, I have owned and operated about 5 businesses. And I have made some great money through the years. The main thing that I wanted to share with you is this . . . .
When God begin to deal with me in ministry. Yes, it took me a few years to figure out what I was suppose to do. But once I found out who I was and what my purpose was, then I begin to walk in my ministry. Started a homeless ministry in Oklahoma City. People that left the homeless shelters still wanted to come to church, so we started a bus ministry. From there, we realized that some of those that were homeless needed some life skills. So we started Life in Focus classes. Dealing with Anger Management, Substance Abuse, Marriage, Children Raising, Finance classes and others. From there, we started a jail and prison ministry.
In one year, just in the homeless ministry, we had over 300 people get baptized in Jesus name and we have lost track of the amount of people that has received the gift of the Holy Ghost. I stated all of that to say this . . .
If God has called you to do something. Do not just think about it. Take some action and get on the ball with it. We are NOT promised tomorrow. So today is OUR day!
What will you do with YOUR life today?
What is your calling?
What do you feel that you should do with YOUR life?
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