Many times through our life, it seems that the enemy will arise and hit us where it hurts the most. I remember years ago, a friend of mine that hung out with me. We did many things together. He was basically family, even though he was not blood. But this man, one that I thought was a true friend, stabbed me in the back by hurting someone that I loved and that was dear to me. He raped her.
She did not tell me for fear that I would have hurt that person. Then when time had passed and she knew that I was too far away to do anything. She told me about it. This shattered my heart. I weeped and cried for days over this. He was suppose to have been a friend to me. I trusted him. Me friendship with this lady is still strong today. We have a bond that no one can destroy. But that day, he destroyed my heart.
In my mind, I wanted to find him and hurt him. I wanted to do bodly harm to him. But then God spoke to me. He shared with me that I am not being Christ like. So getting on my knees and repenting, I weep all night long. I had to get that anger out of my heart. That man needed to be forgiven. And God needed someone to stand in the gap for him. Not only that, but I needed to have a clean heart.
God begin to deal with me concerning my heart. I needed to be like the sun. Something that had a light. That was shining bright. Something that NEVER went out. My heart had to be pure before God. No matter what people have done to me or to those that I love, I need to have a heart like God’s. And the ONLY way that I could get to that point, was to get into prayer and fasting. Seeking God and HIS advice. Clean out my mind and my heart.
Is your light shining bright for all the world to see?
Is your light shining only when no one has hurt you?
Is your light shining when you have been done wrong?
Can you truly say “My heart is pure before God.”
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