Through the course of life, we tend to have a fight with inside of us. Wondering if we are even worthy of His love or not. We question how we feel, what we feel, and if what we feel is real or not. We seek attention and when we do not receive it, sometimes we look somewhere else. The problem with this though, is that sometimes it is a lie told to us by the enemy of our soul. Who has came to steal, kill, and destroy. Yet we wonder how in the world does he even steal from us? Until we realize just what he is. The father of all lies.
In order to steal something from you, he has to lie to you in a way that you believe his lies. Once you believe them, then he can take what has been given to you or even promised to you away. The next step that he does is try to kill that opportunity for you to ever get it back. So he will do what he can to kill that dream, that vision, or that promise that was given to you. And the last thing he does is destroy it. Destroy everything that would allow you to get it back. He wiggles his way into every part of that vision, dream, and/or promise. And he tries his best to destroy every chance of hope.
When his task is completed, you will be left feeling hopeless, feeling like you have lost it all, feeling like there is no possible way that vision, dream, or promise could ever breathe again. Talking you to a place where dreams die. In the grave yard of dead and destroyed dreams and promises. And you ask yourself, how did this happen? Where did this go? What have I done?
I have been in this place. I have felt as though my visions, my dreams, and my promises that God gave to me were all taken from me, killed, and destroyed. I felt as though there were no more hope for me. I might as well give up. God would Never trust me again. Not only God, but not one person on this earth would trust me. Falling to the ground weeping and crying with a bitter cry. Trying to find a glimpse of hope. And I found none. It was all gone.
As I struggled with this weeping that started in my heart and came out my eyes in tears, God spoke to me and said, “I love you.” With those words ringing in my ears, I questioned them. Who was this speaking to me? Why did he say that to me? I messed things up. There is no way he could ever love me again after what I have done. Then I heard them again, “I love you.” God’s word spoken and then with a confirmation reminder of His word, I will never leave you nor forsake you, I will be with you even until the end of the world.”
I have not found such powerful love in all my life. Where is this coming from? How can this be? No one truly loved me like this.. Yet, His word says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believed on Him should not perish but have ever lasting life” John 3:16 What an amazing love. Thank God, HE loves me!
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