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Walking Away

Years ago, I moved into a new area and went to church with a new found friend. He and I spent time together. He was a minister in the church. I really enjoyed having them over to our house and having dinner. This man was a powerful man of God. He spoke and ministered very well. And we both became great friends. It was an honor to have him in my life.

Through the years of knowing his family, it was as if we were all family. We did many things together. Ate dinner, played games, went hunting, and went fishing. Many times after work, if you seen him, you would see me. We became that close. It was totally a great relationship. Then I made a very huge mistake. It was a mistake that I regret. That mistake cost us the relationship that we had together. He was still a friend to me. But it was nothing like before.

He reached out to me and told me how in prayer, he has felt the need to go and visit another church. And he asked me to go with him. Upon reaching out destination, we both walked into the church. The pastor saw us both and came and said, “God told me that you were coming.” And he proceeded to ask me to preach the message for the day. I have never been to this church before and did not know this pastor. But I was obedient. I preached the message that God gave to me. After the service, we begin driving back home.

My friend sat silent for a few before finally speaking to me. He expressed how that he was taught for years, how that my mistake would stop the anointing of God. And that he thought God would never use me again. But when I was preaching, he explained how that he saw the anointing of God upon me. I did not know what to say. I did not know how to address his comment. I do know that God does forgive. And it was God that opened that door for me to speak. And God that showed my friend the anointing.

A few weeks went by and I received another call from my friend. He had backslide, because he could not understand how the teaching he had received for many years could be wrong. He saw different. My friend walked away. My friend was backslid for many years after that. It broke my heart. Yes, my mistake was very bad. But God forgave me. I overcame that mistake. And God has used me many times since then.

My point in sharing this post, is to show that we all can make mistakes. I know that I have my my share of them. And to some people, our mistakes could be very BIG ones. But when you get on your knees and pray and seek God for forgiveness, he will grant it. As long as you have a pure heart. And God can and will use you again.

After years later, my friend finally came back to church and repented before passing away. Thank God for HIS amazing grace.

If you have messed up, you can be forgiven.

God wants to use you!

Get back up and into the fight again.

Don’t give up.


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