The first Wednesday night of the year we begin the first lesson of “Walking through the Tabernacle”. A series about the tabernacle of Moses. As I was preparing for these series of lessons, God begin to open my understanding in a powerful way. These lessons will not only change this church but also change my life. Showing me a more powerful meaning to a relationship with God than I have ever seen before in this tabernacle pattern.
Think about this.. God gave Noah the blueprints and design on how to build the Ark. A boat big enough to hold many animals and give people a chance to be saved from a flood that the world has never seen before. This boat was better than the Titanic. It was going to withstand whatever storms came its way. God was the captain and he was going to make sure this boat made it with all of its contents on board.
The time came when God needed a man. Someone that he could call out of this world that would fall in love with God. That would leave everything. Houses, family, city, country, you name it, Abram left it all except Lot. Abram was told by God to leave everything, even his kinsman. and yet he brought a “Lot”. And in the process of time, Lot had to go. He could not stay with Abram.
God spoke to Abram to make a convent with Him. He promised Abram that his seed would be as many as the stars in the sky. Can you just imagine Abram laying down on the ground looking up at the stars trying to count them? Knowing the promise that God gave to him. The excitement in his heart over the idea that he was going to have so many children. Not really understanding that all he needed was 1 child. Even that though, he did not know when it was going to happen. Or even how it would happen. He just knew that God gave him that promise.
I wonder as you begin your walk with God, what all has he promised you? Have you seen your promise come to pass yet? Or are you waiting for it? When God promises you something, He goes above and beyond and promises something bigger than you could even imagine. That is how Good of a God that he is to us. Write down your promises and keep them close to your heart. If he promised Abram and kept His promise, he will surely keep His promise to you also.
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