Many people after coming through a rough time in life stops doing anything for God. Thinking that they are not worthy. Feeling they have lost everything that had. People around them seems to turn against them because they do not understand where you are at and what is really going on in your life. Some people that you thought were your friends, turn against you. Some of which do not even talk to you any more. And then there are those that seem to not even look your way. Like they are grossed out by you. Yet they do not know the full story. They do not know what you are going through.
After having God speak into my life and telling me to wait. Things in my life turned into chaos. Everywhere that I turned, every person I spoke with, every time I tried to make since of things, it seemed to get worst before getting any better. This is when turning to God was the ONLY choose that I had. There were no one. No person that I could seem to trust. It is like my heart could not handle any more of this pain. What am I to do??
While in prayer, God reminded me of when I was younger. I was walking down a dark country road at night. It was completely dark. The only light that you could see was the moon and the stars and lights from houses in a distance. In a distance I could see a car coming toward me. Closer and closer it came until it was almost right in front of me. The lights blinded me and I stepped off of the road to the right to make sure that this car was not going to hit me. Even though I was on the right side of the road and that car is suppose to be on the left, I still felt fear come over me not being able to see because of the blinding light. After the car passed, I was able to step back onto the road and continue walking.
Within a few minutes, I noticed another car heading my way. But this time, it was coming from behind me. And as before, I did step off of the road to make sure it did not hit me if the person did not see me. When the car got next to me, with the headlights shining down the road, I could see as far as the headlights touched. I felt comfortable knowing that I could see ahead of me. At this time, God spoke to my heart and stated this. “If you come against me, you will be blinded, but if you walk with me, then I will light up your path and you will be able to see as far as you want to see.
What a revelation! What a powerful word. And God reminded me of this word. Telling me that I need to walk with Him and not against Him. So I told the Lord, I will do whatever you tell me to do. I will go where ever you tell me to go. I will be whatever you want me to be. While on the job, a pastor from a non-denominational church came in. Like times before, I would talk with him and give him good customer service. And God spoke to me to share a word with this pastor. So I begin to talk about the tabernacle of Moses along with the types and shadows. This opened the door for me to walk in and teach a series that I call “Walking through the Tabernacle” for 6 weeks. When all chaos is going on and you feel as though you have nothing to offer, God speaks and opens a door. And what did God tell me? Walk with me and I will show you my glory.
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