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My little girl saw her brother riding his bike all over the place. She wanted to be like her brother, so she came to me and said, “Dad, I want a bike”. As every parent would do, I went and purchased her a bike but with training wheels. For a long while, that was ok with her. She would ride that bike and have so much fun with it. There came the day, that the training wheels just had to go. She was insisting that I take them off.

As a father, I wanted nothing more than to protect my little girl. I knew once I took off those training wheels that she was going to fall down as she tried to ride that bike. Boys are suppose to be tough. But my little girl? I didn’t want her to get hurt at all. I did’t want to see her cry. When she would cry, my heart would skip a beat. And it would still do that even today.

Being a good father, I went ahead and took off those training wheels. Allowing her to make that choice. Allowing her to make that fall. Allowing her to skin up her knees and her hands. Allowing her to make all of those choices on her own when she is ready.

So I took off those training wheels. She tried to ride that bike by herself. But could never get it going. So she finally asked me, “Dad, can you help teach me how to ride my bike?” I replied, “Sure, lets go to the park where there is a hill.” She was super excited. Knowing that she was about to learn how to ride her bike all by her self.

As we reached the park, I worked with her many times. She would fall. And I would rush to her and help her up. She wanted to try and do it again. This time when she fell, the wind was knocked out of her. She was done for that day. But for days, we would go to the park and work on it. There was even a point when she just didn’t think she could ever ride a bike like her brother. But then it happened! With excitement, she started down the hill and begin to peddle that bike and she went on and on and on without any help. There was a LARGE smile that came over her face as she shouted to me, “DAD I AM DOING IT!”

My thought in this post today was to remind us, God is OUR heavenly Father. Can you imagine HIS thoughts and HIS heart, seeing us as we make attempts to do things in our life. Even those that HE knows is the wrong direction. When he would tell us, “You are going the wrong way.” And yet we seem to refuse to listen. We hope so badly that things will work out.

I watch many friends of mine. People that I care about walk this way. One minute it seems they are doing really great and then they make that choice, “I want to go this way.” We think it might be the “Wrong Way”. Sometimes we have to step back and say, “This is your choice, you have to own it, especially if it is the wrong choice to make.”

My heart hurts as I watch people that I know and care about make those choices and disregard your thoughts about it. And not just yours, but they have heard many others speak those same words. YET they feel the need to walk that path. Are you walking that same path? Are you listening to the voice of God?

“Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard.” Proverbs 13:15

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” Psalms 37:23

Do you listen to Godly counsel?

Do you have someone that you can bounce things off of?

Do you ask God for direction?

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